Nutrition & Supplementation

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My Philosophy on Nutrition

Considering the majority of our population, focusing on nutrition only occurs when trying to lose weight or fit into that bikini for a beach vacation. I teach my clients to focus on fueling their bodies and eating to achieve their best health. With that mindset their desired outcome typically follows.

Enough with Calorie Counting

In my 14 yrs in the health and fitness industry I have learned that when it comes to nutrition too much focus is placed on the outdated “calories in calories out” method, and more recently fad diets.  Our bodies require nourishment from nutrient dense Whole Foods.  When we remove too many nutrients through restrictive diets our bodies go haywire and we suffer from uncomfortable symptoms, hormonal issues, and poor gut health.

My Approach to Achieving Your Best Health

My approach to nutrition is built on realism and long term sustainability. Your best health will not be found with a three week starvation crash diet, it is found through lifestyle/dietary changes that nourish your body and enhance your health and well-being. I can’t provide you with a magic pill or overnight results, but I can educate, guide, and inspire you to achieve the results you are after and change your health for good!


With all the misinformation out there on supplementation, it can be extremely difficult to choose the most beneficial supplements for your body. Most people shop for supplements at COSTCO or their local grocery store in hopes of finding bargain prices and a product that improves their health in some way. I can assure you this is not the best way to approach your health. Unfortunately, nutritional supplements are not an item that should be purchased at bargain prices.

Not All Supplements Are Created Equal

In the supplement industry, you truly do get what you pay for. Cheap supplements often do more harm than good due to their artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors and toxic fillers. They typically contain the cheapest forms of nutrients so the contents are not absorbed and used by the body. Bottom line, if you are not investing in high quality supplements you are wasting your money and missing out on positive health benefits. I use a variety of high quality supplements for myself and my clients. My approach to using supplementation with clients is to help them feel and look their best, as well as help them decreases or eliminate the use of toxic medications and create overall balance in their bodies.

Replacing Medicines

Supplementation along with sound nutrition can be utilized in place of medications or to help support the following;
Thyroid Issues, Anxiety, Depression
Sleep Issues/Insomnia, Constipation, Heart Burn
Poor Gut Health, Low Energy, Malnutrition
Hormonal Imbalances, Bloating Gas
Cold and Flu Prevention, Fertility Issues, Immune Support

Individualized Supplementation-What is Right for You?

Now that I hopefully have you on board with taking high quality supplements, the next step is knowing which supplements to take. We are all unique in our nutrient needs, so a supplement regime that works wonders for one person might not have the same effect on another. I prefer to have my clients complete health questionnaires and provide me with their most recent blood panel so I can complete an overview of their most common symptoms and test results and put together the most beneficial supplement plan tailored to each individual’s unique needs. If you would like help in this area, and are looking to banish symptoms and improve your health, please contact me today!

What People are Saying About Revive Wellness

Client Testimonials

I have been a client of Beth’s for almost 10 years. She is hands down the best trainer I’ve ever worked with. I have always trusted her approach to fitness, but more recently have relied on her for guidance on nutrition.

After reviewing my results, she recommended a few small tweaks to my diet and some natural supplements to address the test results. A couple of weeks later I not only felt significantly better, but I started seeing results from my workouts again.

Greg S.